I wanted to converse in Spanish over tapas and sangria at a sidewalk cafĂ© in Plaza Mayor. I wanted to bargain for a beautiful piece of local art with a street vendor in the narrow streets of Toledo. I wanted to take Spanish-speaking tours through castles filled with history, knights' armor, and intricate architecture. I wanted to bask in the sun on the coast of the Mediterranean in AndalucĂa while people-watching for countless, lazy hours. Sitting here now, browsing through my pictures from the trip, I realize that I did all of these things. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to live in another country because I gained a little world perspective from each of these experiences. I also see how living in Madrid benefitted my future as a PR professional. As a communicator, I realized what it means to separate yourself from your own culture and to embrace someone else's. I learned to appreciate cultural differences without losing sight of my own beliefs and traditions. I finally understood globalization, and what it means for the future of corporate America. As our world becomes flatter, it's important to develop cultural competency. There are a lot of examples of PR campaigns and media coverage that show a prominent Western bias—and we have to be careful of this, especially those in PR. It is the responsibility of PR practitioners to provide counsel to our clients, and to know how audiences will receive certain messages. We have to think about where campaigns are being launched and understand exactly how a different culture might decipher a speech, ad, or article. These are important questions that should be common sense, but sometimes in our hurry to develop the next big campaign, we forget to evaluate all the possible outcomes, especially from the perspective of another culture. There's no escaping globalization. Cultures are cross-pollinating, melding into one another while simultaneously trying to remain as distinct as possible. Being an effective communicator does not stop at the edge of the United States, but the skills we develop should allow our clients' messages to transcend borders and cultures. But that doesn't mean we should impose our own culture on anyone else—it's finding that balance that is key. **I know how lucky I was to live abroad, and that not everyone can do it. Believe me, I never thought I would be able to do it either. Before I received this opportunity, I took several courses about international relations, foreign languages, and world history. I can't stress enough how valuable these classes were in preparing me for work in a global economy. I'm taking two more this semester if any of my peers from USF want to join me. Let me know, and I'll give you the course information.I spent last summer studying Spanish in Madrid. I had never traveled outside the U.S. before, and while I packed for my trip, I thought about my expectations for the summer.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Globalization: How Living in Madrid Helped Me Understand the Role of PR
Posted by
Meg Roberts
2:55 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
I’ll Have 101 Media Placements, Please—Hold the Strategic Planning and Relationship Building
Can you imagine lawyers who only required payment if they won your case? Or doctors who made you pay only if they cured you? What about PR agencies that charged you solely based on media placements? These instances seem outlandish, but the latter practice is growing in popularity among small business owners. I recently joined YoungPRPros, a list serv for those in the first 10 years of their careers, and I've been following the hot topic of pay-per-placement PR for a couple of days now as young professionals debate the issue. The buzz started with the Wall Street Journal article "Pay for PR—But Only When It Works", which discusses the pros and cons of hiring a PR firm and paying it based on the number of media placements it acquires. While this may benefit small businesses without the resources to pay expensive retainer fees, it also demeans the PR industry. Even as a student, I realize that PR goes beyond landing stories in the media. PR practitioners provide counsel, they develop relationships on behalf of the client, and they launch campaigns that aren't entirely media-focused. If a client is paying per placement, PR professionals will cut out these other services to focus on placing stories so they get paid well. This eliminates functions that differentiate public relations from publicists or press agents. I understand that small businesses sometimes struggle to afford PR services, but if they were ever featured in a top-tier publication, they would be footing the bill of a hefty placement fee. A better investment would be a full-service PR firm responsible for media placements, relationship building, branding, AND strategic planning. I don't think there is enough support for pay-per-placement PR to make it a mainstay in the industry, but it is interesting to look at the different billing options available for both clients and practitioners. To maintain the integrity of PR as a strategic business function, I don't think I'm going to be championing for placement-billing PR anytime soon. Are you?
Posted by
Meg Roberts
12:33 AM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Blasts from the Past: 17 Posts that Should Be Revisited
Before you doubt my common sense, let me explain myself. Yes, archives allow readers to go back in time and find previous posts about topics that interest them, but how many of us actually do that? I know I don't have enough time to browse the extensive archives of my entire blogroll. Well, at least I didn't—but now that school's out for winter break, I have plenty of time to do the grunt work. Luckily, I'm in the Christmas spirit and feeling generous with my newfound knowledge. Below are some of the most informative blogs I've found tucked away in some amazing bloggers' archives. They're especially great for students trying to learn more about the field or for professionals trying to brush up their skills. Read, learn, and enjoy!Blogging has quickly become my favorite pastime. And while I love this new hobby, I think I've found one downfall to the blogosphere. There is so much information out there that great posts get lost in the archives!
(it's a lot to get through, but very helpful)
(a case study that serves as a how-to in reverse – what NOT to do in a marketing campaign)
(be sure to open the .pdf file)
(check out all the links for even more insight)
Posted by
Meg Roberts
11:38 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The 13 Questions I'm Asking Right Now - Maybe YOU Can Help
I need some help down here at the bottom of the young PR professional barrel. I just realized that I'm graduating in four months. Sixteen weeks. Four courses. The freak-out has officially begun. I'm not alone, either. Many of my peers are starting to get that throat-closing, palm sweating, head pounding anticipation of entering the real world, and we could use all the help we can get. If you are in a philanthropic mood, please take the time to answer some of these tough questions. I promise I'll share with my classmates.
Please feel free to answer any of the above questions in the comments section. I'll appreciate it!
Posted by
Meg Roberts
12:17 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
Take a Break - Quotes to Stretch Your Mind
I'm a quote fiend. I might even go as far as to say I'm obsessed with great quotes. Post-it notes with sloppily scrawled one-liners litter my dorm room. I'm the nerd who has to have a piece of paper and a pen near her when she reads or watches TV. Someone says or writes something thought-provoking, you can guarantee I'm jotting it down. Because this collection is overwhelming my cardboard box of a room and I'm probably going to be tossing them out soon, I figured I'd share some of the best. Enjoy!
"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is far worse than the suffering itself, and no heart has ever suffered when it's gone in search of its dreams." - from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
"The best way is not to fight it, just go. Don't be trying all the time to fix things. What you run from only stays with you longer. When you fight something, you only make it stronger." - from Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk
"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything." - from Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
“All my life I've looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time.” - Ernest Hemingway
"Memory can change the shape of a room; it can change the color of a car. And memories can be distorted. They're just an interpretation, they're not a record, and they're irrelevant if you have the facts." - Guy Pearce in Memento
“Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.” - Audrey Hepburn
Posted by
Meg Roberts
5:51 PM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
And You Wonder Why I’m Scared to Pitch?
I like challenges, and I like having to overcome obstacles to achieve goals. Pitching is certainly a challenge, but I'm not so sure it's one I like, especially with all the negative attention PR professionals have been getting because of it lately. I remember the first time I had to pitch a story to a local newspaper when I was a lowly first-year intern. As I dialed the number, I rehearsed a script in my head, trying to ignore the beads of sweat gathering on my palms. I felt nervous pangs building up in my stomach, and waves of dread engulfed me when I heard a voice answer the line. Heart pounding, I forced a confident introduction and asked to speak to the journalist I was pitching, only to discover she would be out of town for the rest of the week. Pitching is an important part of public relations, and I hoped my fears would subside with practice. I was feeling more confident talking to the media at my latest internships, but that was before I entered the blogosphere. I've stumbled across several blogs that make me terrified to contact the media. PR people are addressed as flacks. We're black listed. We're being called names. I feel like the awkward girl in middle school who everyone makes fun for every miniscule thing she does. Okay—so that's pretty melodramatic, but let's get serious. Isn't this battle between journalists and PR practitioners getting a little ridiculous? Because I use The deterioration of the journalist/PR relationship is the root of this battle of the professions. There are some blogs attacking PR that make valid claims. Chris Anderson was fed up with the spam-like nature of press releases he received. Nicholas Carlson received a release complete with drafting and editing marks. Maybe some PR people are getting lazy, and that's reflecting poorly on the industry as a whole, but what about the rest of us? Throughout my PR education I've learned that pitching to the media should be based on a mutually beneficial relationship. This seems like common sense to me, but how can we form relationships when we're being silenced before we even get the chance to introduce ourselves? Gene Weingarten's recent Washington Post article, "Don't Call Us, We'll Call You… Names" is what worries me the most. Here, a PR firm contacts Weingarten to get his opinion on the best ways to contact him. It seems like good-natured communication, but Weingarten rips the firm to shreds with sarcastic answers and a slew of insults. This is exactly why my blood pressure skyrockets every time I have to contact a journalist. Pitching is about building relationships, but where do we PR professionals (especially students) begin making these connections? I would love to go out and grab coffee with as many journalists as possible-- and I have in the past-- but am I supposed to do this with every journalist I could potentially pitch? I know there's no magic formula that will make me competent at pitching, but because it's such a valued skill in this industry, I'd like all the advice I can get. Students, professors, professionals, and journalists—I'll appreciate all the insight you can give me so that one of mistakes isn't floating around the blogosphere for everyone to mock.d to be a journalism major who worked at a paper, I know the importance of press releases in the news room. They helped me come up with story ideas when I was suffering from writer's block several times. Some of the editors complained about the PR firms that sent out mass releases, but for the most part, the paper appreciated the efforts of PR professionals. The reason this relationship worked? Because it was just that—a relationship.
Posted by
Meg Roberts
2:05 AM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Technology Will Change Sports Marketing
As a sports enthusiast, I usually log onto ESPN's website ten times a day. It's not that I pride myself on staying up-to-date on every minute sports statistic, but I've discovered that some of the best journalists in today's market write for ESPN. One of my favorite columnists, Bill Simmons, published a column this week called "A Letter to the Junior High Sports Guy." If you're a sports fan, I highly recommend reading this article. If you're a mass media fan, I highly recommend reading this article. It's an entertaining, informative piece that discusses how spoiled our culture has become in an age characterized by constant advancement in technology. The fact that Simmons is a huge Red Sox fan is not the only reason why I agree with him. Getting together with a group of friends to catch the big game at a bar used to be the norm, but now people crowd around their Plasma TVs to watch expensive sports' packages that entitle them to hours of nonstop games. But, if a game is blacked out, people will whine and complain about the inefficiency of the broadcasting system. I can't lie—my friends and I are guilty of this, and I have to give Simmons a lot of kudos for calling us all out. Another interesting point that Simmons makes is that "nobody has to leave their ho Is this because the fan base is waning, or because fans would rather watch the game from their own living rooms, hoping enough other fans purchase tickets? Sure, this is a long shot—going to NFL games is getting pretty expensive, which could play a huge factor in fan turnout, but you have to wonder what the effect of cable packages will be on the sports industry in the long run. From a communications standpoint, this could prove to be a demanding challenge for those in sports PR and advertising. How will the communicators market sporting events if fans are perfectly content cheering on their favorite teams from their sofas? This is something I look forward to following in the upcoming months, but until then, I have to commend Simmons for putting this avid sports fan in her place. When people ask me to describe myself, I always hit them with this oxymoron: I'm the girliest tomboy you'll ever meet. New friends are always shocked when I tune them out because the Red Sox game is on, or when I'm standing on my soap box, vehemently preaching for a college football playoff system (don't even get me started on the BCS bowl selections right now).
I've grown up around the sports industry, and working in it has always appealed to me. I think it might be the challenges that women in the male-dominated industry face, or that no two days are exactly the same for practitioners in the field. They deal with crises regularly-- coaches' tirades, law suits, drug scandals, injuries, murders. But as a whole, the sports industry, especially in terms of communications, has been making immense strides in the past few months as it addresses and overcomes these challenges.use to follow sports anymore." This includes actually going to a sporting event at the team's stadium. Small market teams in the NFL, like the Buffalo Bills and the Jacksonville Jaguars, are having a difficult time filling their stadiums to a capacity that prevents television blackouts.
Posted by
Meg Roberts
8:54 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Kudos to NBC Universal’s Green Week
A recent post of mine revealed my skepticism about companies' commitment to social responsibility, especially those that claim to be "green." As I was perusing the PR Week website, I stumbled upon a recent article about NBC Universal's launch of Green Week, a week filled with green-themed programming that will "make NBCU the leading green media company," according to Lauren Zalaznick, coordinator of the campaign. I read the article hoping the campaign was genuine and not a sly attempt to increase viewership. Then, I realized I was being entirely too pessimistic. Companies HAVE to make money to succeed, and if they can implement campaigns that will benefit some aspect of society, then I'm okay with it, no matter what their true intentions may be. By incorporating all aspects of the company, NBCU capitalized on the green trend while educating both employees and viewers about the importance of sustainability and conservation. I especially liked the Green is Universal website that the company launched concurrently with the television programming. Sure, Zalaznick admits that NBCU is trying to achieve an increase in advertising revenue and improve ratings, but I don't think that's necessarily a negative take on the Green is Universal campaign. The company seems to be actively engaged in the movement, as shown in its preliminary research that surveyed 16,000 employees on their environmental attitudes. A follow-up survey will also be conducted. This will show how effective the campaign was, and will demonstrate that NBCU improved its brand reputation and bottom line while committing to a significant cause. So after a lot of deliberation, I decided I support the social responsibility craze that's consuming the corporate world. I hope more companies continue to advocate for these causes, as long as they remain committed long after the trend has faded from the headlines.
Posted by
Meg Roberts
1:54 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Go Green. Everybody’s Doing It.
Green's in. It's the new "it" thing in the business world. But just how genuine is this overwhelming crusade to conserve the environment? Are organizations really that concerned with preservation, or is it just a ploy to reach out to customers who are actively demanding a more socially responsible corporate America? I'm not so sure, and there are others who agree with me. In his blog "It's Not Easy… Being Green", Steve Crescenzo expresses the same wary sentiments about the green trend that I have. He pinpoints major hotel chains and how they use "going green" as a means to save themselves money while improving customer relations. After reading his blog, I had to admit that a little piece of my optimistic side shriveled up and wilted. I want companies to be socially responsible, but I only want them to claim being so if they truly mean it. Perhaps I'm dreaming of a utopian corporate culture where CEOs volunteer on Saturday mornings with the charities they choose to support, but I can't help thinking of corporations like General Mills that actively strive to be more environment-friendly. The numerous changes it has taken to minimize negative effects on the environment should be inspirational to other companies. General Mills goes beyond writing checks—it leads by example. I love that our society is growing more concerned with giving back, and I hope that going green is more than an ephemeral fad and another way to increase the bottom line My favorite color is green, so imagine my excitement when I discovered that green is SO the new black. If you aren't green, then you will not be sitting with the popular kids in the cafeteria.
Posted by
Meg Roberts
10:48 AM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The Pay It Forward Mentality
Like most of my peers, I’m terrified of graduating. As students, we have this pessimistic notion that we’ll never find jobs after graduation, and to curb these fears we take on as much as we can to enhance our resumes and build portfolios. But as we go from our internships to classes to PRSSA meetings to the library, I think we lose sight of the best way to get through the doors of corporate America—developing relationships with those already in the field.
Posted by
Meg Roberts
7:17 PM
What can social media do for you?
Social media. Web 2.0. Viral age. These are the buzzwords being tossed around in the communications field, and they aren’t going away any time soon. But what does this surge of social media mean for students? Will our technology-driven generation have the upper hand in the cutthroat job search post-graduation? Maybe-- if we learn how to use these tools to our advantage.
Out of all the college students I know, I can only think of one person who does not have either a Facebook or MySpace account. We obviously know how to use these networking sites, but do we use them effectively? I’m not so sure.
Several months ago I deleted my MySpace account. I figured it was just another tool employers would use to judge me during the hiring process, and I didn’t want anything diminishing my chances of getting a job. After reading about the dramatic effect social media is having on society, I decided to create a new account on MySpace so that I could stay up-to-date with the constantly changing online culture.
Only this time, I’m being much smarter about the content I include on MySpace.
The layout isn’t cluttered with flashing icons, and no obnoxious song plays every time someone tunes into my page. My site is free of embarrassing photos or lewd comments. Instead, my “About me” section is a short, witty description of myself that will show I know how to use social media without reflecting a negative image. I plan on uploading photos from national conferences that I’ve attended, events I’ve helped plan, and study abroad trips. Eventually, my profile will become a virtual portfolio, one that I will be happy to share with employers to showcase my knowledge of new technology.
It’s a coincidence that I decided to makeover my online image recently. Up until two days ago, I thought college students dominated the social networking world. Apparently this is not the case. A research study about Facebook states that the site is projected to have 60 million active users by the end of this year. 75% will not be college students. Is Facebook going to be considered a professional networking tool? It looks like this is going to be the next trend, especially in public relations.
So where does that leave us, the students? We joke about being addicted to these sites. We spend hours browsing our friends’ pictures and comments, but if we can utilize these tools to market ourselves, won't we be more competitive in the job search? Not only will we build a tangible brand, we will be engaging in the viral age, which will significantly benefit our future employers as these buzzwords continue to influence the business world.
Posted by
Meg Roberts
4:51 PM